Student Services West Building, Room 1641*
The Office of the Registrar provides an electronic online grades submission system via WebGrades. You can access WebGrades at WebGrades is a user-friendly, efficient, and convenient system that can be accessed from any location in the world that is web-connected.
WebGrades will be available to faculty the first day of finals each semester. During this period of time, it will be available daily, except for one hour from '|| '2:00 AM - 3:00 AM Monday - Friday, 2:00 AM - 5:30 AM Saturday, 1:00 AM - 10:00 AM Sunday, and on the first Sunday of the '|| 'month when it is down for maintenance. The Help Desk is available Monday - Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM. The deadline for submitting grades is posted in the academic calendar that is included in the current class schedule and general catalog. To enter electronic grades after the deadline, please see "Submitting Grade Changes and Late Grades" below.
In order to access WebGrades, you will need a username and password. Your username is your Red ID Number. The password is a temporary series of letters and numbers that you will be able to customize once in the system. For information about how to obtain your temporary password, contact either your department''s administrative assistant or your college Dean''s office. For security purposes, it is essential that you not share your username and password. If you have any problems, please contact the WebGrades Help Desk at 594-2134.
Submitting grades through WebGrades is very simple, involving four easy steps. When you log on to , you will be given step-by-step instructions for each required function. Here are the basic steps you''ll find:
Step 1. Choose the ''Submit Grades'' function.
Step 2. Select the class for which you want to enter grades.
Step 3. Enter grades for students in the course you have selected.
Step 4. Receive a confirmation that your grades have been submitted.
At WebGrades, you can enter, view and change grades as many times as necessary up to the grade submission deadline or as specified by the class.
If you have any questions, contact your department''s administrative assistant, Dean''s office, or the Help Desk at 594-2134. Be prepared to answer a few self-identifying questions, such as Red ID Number, course schedule number, etc., in order to confirm your identity over the phone.
The following information is presented to assist instructors in completing their WebGrades grade sheets. We have attempted to cover the most frequent grading situations and questions. However, if you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the WebGrades Help Desk at (619) 594-2134 Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
It is extremely important to submit grades by the deadline because graduation for the current semester cannot be completed until grades are posted. Late grades will also affect a student''s academic status and may result in the student being disqualified from the university. Late grades must be submitted in person at the Office of the Registrar in SS-1641 during regular office hours.
EACH STUDENT MUST BE ASSIGNED A GRADE. The Office of the Registrar and departmental personnel do not recommend grades to instructors. If an instructor is interested in receiving advice on grading problems, he/she should contact the Department Chair or Academic Affairs.
Students who have attended, but do not appear on the grade sheet, should contact the Office of the Registrar. Faulty can enter the student's name and RedID Number, and indicate a grade in the memo box at the bottom of the grade sheet. This does not constitute official action.
CHANGES TO WEBGRADES GRADE SHEETS: If it is before the 11:00 PM grade submission deadline, you can access the WebGrades grade sheets and enter the change. Please note that as soon as a grade is submitted, it is posted to the system and available for students to access online. Changes to grades during the grade submission period may confuse the students involved and generate some questions from them. To make a change to a grade after the deadline use the "Grade Change" function in the WebPortal.
SUBMITTING GRADE CHANGES AND LATE GRADES: To make a grade change and/or submit grades after the deadline, faculty will use the "Grade Change" function in the WebPortal. Grade changes after the deadline can only be submitted once on the WebPortal. In addition, grade changes must be submitted within a one year period. All other cases will require a manual grade change submission to the Office of the Registrar.